

TheTechMargin Weekly Digest - Knowledge Workers Should Prepare for Job Displacement by AI

TheTechMargin Digest

Creativity, Innovation, Allyship

Exploring mindfulness and mindset to unlock our potential and build better tools in the age of AI.

What to do about it?

The Landscape

Software engineers, brace yourselves. Welcome to the era of generative AI, where the individual contributor on a technical team is transitioning from routine coding to high-level problem-solving and architectural design. This may seem like a remote possibility, as the skills required to land high-paying software engineering jobs still seem too advanced to be replaced by AI. However, with the non-linear progression of advancements in AI and the eternal quest for productivity gains as rampant as ever by shareholders, you will be wise to prepare for a future that is closer than you realize. Companies are now prioritizing candidates who can creatively and effectively harness AI tools rather than just those with coding prowess. The new frontier in talent development? A robust upskilling strategy that values adaptability and innovative problem-solving, ensuring engineers keep pace with technology and drive its potential to unprecedented heights.1

The demand for traditional programming skills is evolving rapidly, significantly emphasizing AI and machine learning expertise. The economic implications are equally profound. AI in software development is expected to generate $2.9 trillion in business value by 2025, driven by reduced operational costs and substantial improvements in software quality and system performance. A 2023 survey by Stack Overflow revealed that about 40% of developers are concerned about AI replacing their jobs. Similarly, a study by GitHub found that 35% of developers believe AI could automate some of their tasks within the next five years. 2,3

The industry is being reshaped in unprecedented ways, sparking a growing awareness and anticipation for the opportunities and adaptations required to navigate a new type of engineering role.

AI has the potential to create new roles and opportunities, providing a more optimistic outlook for the future. Both enterprise organizations and individual developers will need awareness and planning to navigate the AI-spurred changes.

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Perception ≠ Reality

In 2024, the concern among developers about job displacement due to AI is noticeable but varies widely depending on factors such as industry and job function. 4

  1. Job Impact and Automation: A significant portion of developers and other IT professionals are aware of the transformative impact of AI. About 19% of U.S. workers expect AI to impact at least half of their tasks, potentially leading to job displacement for hundreds of thousands of people as AI tools advance​.
  2. Sector-Specific Concerns: Different sectors have varying levels of exposure to AI-driven job displacement. For example, tasks related to data processing and information are highly susceptible to automation; it is predicted that 65% of such tasks will be fully automated by 2027.
  3. General Workforce Anxiety: Broadly across industries, there's a concern about AI replacing jobs. Approximately 30% of workers fear technology might replace their jobs by 2025, with 39% worried about not receiving adequate training to adapt to new technological shifts​.
  4. Adaptation and Reskilling: On a more positive note, there is a significant push towards retraining and upskilling. Companies plan to invest in training their workforce, with AI and big data being a primary focus. This is particularly evident in larger companies where AI is highly prioritized in training strategies​.

The key to thriving in this evolving landscape is continuous learning and adaptability.

Personally, I think the estimates of the sampled tech talent seem way too low. I know how secure a sweet technical job can feel. Having navigated the first decade of my software engineering career along an admirable upward trajectory, the hockey stick we all covet, the landscape was changing before my exit in the last couple of years due to offshoring entire teams to cheaper cost-of-living countries.

AI changes the calculations for the money folks at the top in mind-boggling ways. If your CFO bends towards the books and away from advice from the CTO, preparation is the best policy.

Don't doubt that dollars will win over sense (pun intended).
the author

What Can You Do?

For individual developers looking to future-proof their careers against AI displacement, several proactive strategies can be employed:

  1. Continuous Learning and Upskilling: Stay current with emerging technologies, especially those involving AI, machine learning, and data science. Online courses, certifications, and attending workshops or conferences help keep skills updated. 💡Use my affiliate link for 30% off an annual plan on SkillShare.
  2. Specialize in Niche Areas: While AI can automate many tasks, there are still areas where specialized knowledge is crucial. Developers might focus on domains where AI integration is complex, such as cybersecurity, healthcare, or AI ethics. 💡2 weeks free HeadSpace trial for mindset improvement.
  3. Understand the AI Landscape: Learning to work with AI tools rather than compete against them is the name of the game. Developers should consider gaining proficiency in using AI for tasks like code optimization, testing, and data analysis while obtaining an overall understanding of the AI landscape and security concerns.
  4. Contribute to Open Source Projects: Engaging with the broader tech community through open source projects can provide practical experience, increase visibility in the industry, and help build a network that may offer job opportunities outside of the traditional corporate path as well as in big tech (you never know who you will meet while collaborating on GitHub).
  5. Explore Entrepreneurial Avenues: Considering startup opportunities or developing independent software products will develop your technical skills, mindset, and business acumen, ensuring you are covered from AI job displacement by earning the superset of skills that make an unstoppable tech founder or founding partner in an early-stage company.
  6. Cross-Disciplinary Skills: Combining programming skills with knowledge in other fields like business, marketing, or design will ensure you can leverage the power of AI for multiple use cases and solutions. Your creativity here will be the super skill that sets you apart from narrower-focused technical wizards. You get to decide. This is the fun part.

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, creativity is emerging as a critical skill for developers. Creativity is essential for envisioning innovative software architectures, designing intuitive user interfaces, and collaborating effectively with cross-functional teams. Creative thinking plays a vital role in experimenting with new technologies, addressing ethical challenges, and communicating complex technical concepts. As the industry shifts towards more innovative and strategic roles, developers who can harness their creativity will be best positioned to thrive in this new era. The focus is shifting towards adaptability and continuous learning as developers prepare for a future where AI is not a threat but a powerful tool for innovation and growth.

By fostering creativity, we ensure that our community remains at the cutting edge, fully prepared to leverage AI in ways that amplify human potential rather than replace it.

Until next week — Sonia, a.k.a SuperSonic

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Thanks to reader Tobias for his awesome feedback on TheTechMargin ❤️

Sonia's (TheTechMargin) emails are one of the few I actually look forward to reading. I love her creative spark and can feel her passion when reading her emails. She always comes up with interesting ideas, new perspectives, and a lovely design. I even shared some of her posts with my friends and used her ideas to advance my own career. Her newsletter has always been worth reading and enjoyable
Tobias Blueder - Strategy Consultant

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